An emitter self-aligned InP-based single heterojunction bipolar transistor with a cutoff frequency (fT) of 162GHz is reported. The emitter size is 0.8μm × 12μm, the maximum DC gain is 120, the offset voltage is 0.10V,and the typical breakdown voltage at Ic = 0. 1μA is 3.8V. This device is suitable for high-speed low-power applications,such as OEIC receivers and analog-to-digital converters.
A self-aligned InP/GalnAs single heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT) is investigated using a novel T-shaped emitter. A U-shaped emitter layout,selective wet etching,laterally etched undercut, and an air-bridge are applied in this process. The device, which has a 2μm×12μm U-shaped emitter area,demonstrates a common-emitter DC current gain of 170,an offset voltage of 0.2V,a knee voltage of 0.5V, and an open-base breakdown voltage of over 2V. The HBT exhibits good microwave performance with a current gain cutoff frequency of 85GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 72GHz, These results indicate that these InP/InGaAs SHBTs are suitable for low-voltage,low-power,and high-frequency applications.
We report the performance of the first self-aligned InP/InGaAs double heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) produced in China. The device has a 2μm × 12μm U-shaped emitter area and demonstrates a peak common-emitter DC current gain of over 300,an offset voltage of 0. 16V,a knee voltage of 0.6V,and an open-base breakdown voltage of about 6V. The HBT exhibits good microwave performance with a current gain cutoff fre- quency of 80GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 40GHz. These results indicate that this InP/InGaAs DHBT is suitable for low-voltage, low-power, and high-frequency applications.