2008年秋季在浙江景宁望东洋溪源湿地对5种代表性样地的土壤动物进行了调查.结果显示:望东洋溪源湿地的土壤动物隶属4门7纲17目,其中优势类群为弹尾目、双翅目、膜翅目,常见类群为蜱螨目、线虫目、鞘翅目、同翅目、等翅目和半翅目,其他均为稀有类群;土壤动物群落复杂性指数(C)为针阔混交林>阔叶林>稀疏小乔木林>五节芒草丛>白茅草丛,Shannon-W e iner指数(H′)和P ielou均匀性指数(J)呈显著负相关;望东洋溪源湿地土壤动物的表聚性现象明显.根据5种植被类型下土壤动物的聚类和二维非度量标度排序(MDS)的结果,可将土壤动物分为3种类型,即湿润江南桤木林型、干燥乔木林型和杂草型,反映了土壤动物群落对湿地不同植被类型的响应;并依此推断含水量和植被的盖度,尤其是灌木盖度可能是影响土壤动物群落特征的主要因素.
We studied seasonal changes of habitat characteristics and use by Reeves’muntjac(Muntiacus reevesi)in the Zhoushan Archipelago,Zhejiang Province,China from March to November 2008. We established 228 sample plots using fresh traces as the indicator. Ten ecological factors that we presumed affect deer habitat use were measured:vegetation type,percent tree cover,percent shrub cover,percent grass cover,slope,aspect,position on slope,elevation,distance to water,and distance to human disturbance. We found that Muntiacus reevesi lived mainly in hills,occasionally feeding in sloping fields and farmlands. In spring,muntjacs used broadleaf forest,shrub forest,farmland and sloping fields at low elevation,with low percentages of shrub and tree cover (<50%). The habitats were normally located at middle and low positions on slopes with a human disturbance distance less than 150m. In autumn,muntjacs used broadleaf forest and sloping field at low elevation with 75%~100% of tree cover and less than 50% shrub cover. These habitats were located at middle and upper positions on slopes with a distance of more than 400 m from the nearest water and human disturbance. Reeves’muntjacs in the Zhoushan Archipelago are limited by human disturbance,the scarcity of water and food,and limited space.