Objective To evaluate the effect on inflammatory response and dose-response relationship of lidocaine pretreatment in Endotoxin-induced acute lung injury rabbit model.Methods Thirty anesthetized rabbits were randomly divided into six groups(n = 5 each).Lung injury was induced in rabbits by intravenous infusion of Escbericbia coli endotoxin(100 μg/kg over a 60 min period).10 min before infusion of endotoxin, one group was assigned to receive intravenous infusion of saline(as control);while others received intravenous infusion of lidocaine at different concentrations. Homodynamics, arterial oxygen tension and cytokines concentrations in plasma were recorded. The lung wet-to-dry-weight ratio was analyzed as an index of pulmonary edema. Light microscopic findings (lung injury score) were compared in the six groups. Results Endotoxin caused marked decrease in arterial oxygen tension, and increase in the lung wet-to dry-weight ratio, interleukin-6,interleukin-10 and tumor necrosis factor-α in plasma. Lidocaine pretreatment attenuated these changes significantly (P<0.05). Endotoxin increased lung injury score. These changes were attenuated by lidocaine significantly in relation with its doses(P<0.05). Conclusion Results suggest that intravenous lidocaine pretreatment might attenuates inflammatory response in relation with its doses in endotoxin-induced acute lung injury rabbit model.