Leached Pt-Fe and Pt-Co catalysts were prepared by acid leaching the reduced catalysts in acid solution. Oxidation treatments of leached catalysts produced the structure o f metal oxides decorat-ing the surface of nanoparticles. The fully oxidized Fe2O3 and Co3O4 species on Pt nanoparticle sur-faces result in the low performance of the CO complete oxidation (COOX) reaction. In contrast, un-saturated FeO and CoO surface species can be formed during exposure to the CO preferential oxida-tion (CO-PROX) reaction with an excess of H2, leading to a high O2 activation ability and enhancing the CO-PROX activity. The FeOx surface structures can be transformed between these two states by varying the reactive gas environments, exhibiting oscillating activity in these two reactions. Con-versely, the CoO surface structure formed in the H2 -rich atmosphere is stable when exposed to the COOX reaction and exhibits similar activity in these two reactions. It is hoped that this work may assist in understanding the important role of surface oxides in real reactions.