This paper discusses the Mandarin particle ba concerning its syntactic and pragmatic issues. In the different positions of the various sentence types in Mandarin, ba performs specific speech acts and encodes a specific illocutionary force from the perspective of pragmatic discourse analysis. Under the Universal Spine Hypothesis, the sentence-internal ba relates to the grounding layer, and the sentence-final ba is located in the responding layer, which is extended domains of the Universal Spine Hypothesis.
This paper aims at examining the perception of English tense and lax vowel contrasts by testing an identification task of CVC syllables with different manipulated durations in Chinese learners of English.This can provide some empirical evidence for English as a second language teachers in teaching second language pronunciation.
This article offers an overview of theoretical ideas and recent empirical research by referring to the interactive communication between teachers and learners in a second language classroom.Both the interaction of teacher-centered classroom and learner-centered classroom are reviewed within the context of sociocultural theory.The paper attempts to indicate the better effect of language learning can be achieved by complementing one another in the classroom of teacher-centeredness and learner-centeredness.
This study investigated the effect of explicit instruction about DCs in argumentative writings by 15 Chinese learners of English. This study involved in a 4-week experiment. Pre-and post-writing tests were quantitatively analyzed to examine whether the explicit instruction about DCs had a significant effect on the students'argumentative writing. The findings revealed that the ex-plicit instruction of the target DCs facilitated the improvement of the participants in their argumentative writing .