[Objective] The aim was to study on response of N2O emissions of farm- land ecosystem on temperature rising. [Methed] In farmland ecosystem in Huaibei City in Anhui Province, N2O emission by twelve varieties of crop on temperature was researched with DeNitrification-DeComposition (NDC). [Result] Response of dry- land crop on temperature rising can be divided into three categories, as follows: The first category, N2O emission of crop changed little during the temperature increasing, for example, from 0 to 3 %;, the emissions by potatoes, cotton, maize and rapeseed increased little and decreased little when temperature changed from 1.5 to 3 ℃. Crops of the second category declined with temperature increasing in N2O emission, for example, N2O emission decreased by 8.1% with temperature increasing from 0 to 3 ℃, including sugar cane, tobacco, wheat, soybean and pea. In third category, N2O emission of crop grew with temperature increasing, for example, the emission of rice, vegetables and fruit trees increased by 22.8% when the temperature grew from 0 to 3 ℃. [Conclusion] The research indicated that N2O emission in ecosystem of drv farmland increased little with temoerature risina.