《通天塔》的由来Tower of Babel——巴别塔又名巴贝耳塔,通天塔,或是分音塔。据《圣经》创世记第11章记载,大洪水劫后,天下人都讲一样的语言。诺亚的子孙越来越多,他们在示拿地(古巴比伦附近)定居下来。于是便商量建造一座城,和一座塔,塔顶通天。由于大家语言相通,同心协力,建成的巴比伦城繁华而美丽,高塔直插云霄,似乎要与天公一比高低。没想到此举惊动了上帝,上帝深为人类的虚荣和傲慢而震怒,于是决定惩罚这些狂妄的人们。
Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC), as one of the research fields of intercultural communication, has been given much importance from scholars all around the world. Intercultural sensitivity is one of the three dimensions in Dr Chen's ICC model. This research investigates the reliability and validity of Chen and Starosta's Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) (2000) against Chinese cultural background by using Chinese university students majoring in English as respondents.