针对养殖业对动物营养管理的需求,本文旨在设计一个智慧动物营养信息服务平台,根据业内企业的需求、不同的气候条件、养殖品种和养殖阶段,帮助养殖用户快速、准确地管理智慧配方和营养管理数据等。基于复杂约束条件下的线性规划理论,研究优化饲料配方设计的数学模型,并提出相应的智能算法,使得饲料配方设计可以更加科学、安全和高效。本系统使用Vue. js作为前端框架,并使用Element UI进行页面设计,使用Spring Boot + My Batis-Plus以作后端运行,该程序已部署在云服务器可供使用。In view of the needs of animal nutrition management in the breeding industry, this paper aims to design an intelligent animal nutrition information platform to help users manage formula and nutrition management data quickly and accurately according to the needs of enterprises in the industry, different climatic conditions, breeding varieties, and breeding stages. Based on the theory of linear programming under complex constraints, one researches the mathematical model for optimizing feed formulation design. The corresponding intelligent algorithm is proposed to make feed formulation design more scientific, safe, and efficient. This system uses Vue. js as the front-end framework, Element UI for page design, Spring Boot, and My Batis-plus for back-end operation. The developed system has been deployed on the cloud server.