针对EPR核电厂ARE主给水调节阀由同一个FUM280卡件控制有跳堆风险的问题,本文研究了一种FUM280卡件冗余配置的方式,单一FUM280故障后切换至备用卡,提升ARE流量调节阀门的稳定性,防止单一卡件故障导致的ARE阀门意外关闭,进而导致的机组跳堆。后续可根据现场使用经验大范围推广,从而保证核电厂给水流量调节系统的安全稳定运行,有效减少由于设备尤其是重大关键设备故障导致的停机或停堆次数及相关损失,降低机组运行和维修工作量及成本。In this paper, in order to solve the problem of main feed water supply regulating valve of ARE in EPR nuclear power plant controlled by same FUM280 card with the risk of reactor jump-off, a redundant configuration of FUM280 card is studied. After a single FUM280 failure, the standby card is switched to improve the stability of the ARE flow regulating valve and prevent the accidental closure of ARE valve caused by the failure of a single card unit jump-off. The follow-up can be widely promoted according to the field use experience, so as to ensure the safe and stable operation of the regulating system in water supply of the nuclear power plant and effectively reduce the shutdown times and related losses caused by the failure of equipment, especially major key equipment, and reduce the workload and cost of unit operation and maintenance.