模具寿命与材料作为模具设计与制造专业的专业核心课程,蕴含着丰富的育人元素,对模具专业学生核心素养培育起着至关重要的作用,在该课程教学中,把专业知识与核心素养培育协同进行,培养高素质的模具人才。OBE理念导向下模具专业学生核心素养包括文化基础、自主发展、社会参与度三个方面和人文底蕴、科学精神、学会学习、健康生活、责任担当、实践创新六个要素。针对OBE理念导向下模具专业学生核心素养培育要求设计模具寿命与材料课程的核心素养培育目标,挖掘教学元素。实施“三位一体”核心素养培育模式的实践,挖掘、浸润、反哺三驱动,分三步复合辐射,专注于核心素养培育中高阶目标的转化。第一步为线上线下相结合、课内课外共一体的核心素养培育元素挖掘,第二步为素养春风潜课堂、悄然润物细无声的核心素养培育浸润,第三步为内化于心筑灵魂、外化于行展风采的核心素养培育反哺,高质量实现育人目标。As a core course of mold design and manufacturing, the “Mold Life and Materials” course contains rich educational elements and plays a crucial role in cultivating mold students’ core literacy. In the teaching of this course, professional knowledge and core literacy are coordinated to cultivate high-quality mold talents. Under the guidance of OBE concept, the core quality of mold major students includes three aspects: cultural foundation, independent development, social participation and six elements: humanistic heritage, scientific spirit, learning, healthy life, responsibility, practice and innovation. Aiming at the core literacy cultivation requirements of mold major students under the guidance of OBE concept, the core literacy cultivation objectives of mold life and material courses are designed and the teaching elements are explored. The “trinity” core literacy cultivation mode practice was implemented and driven by thr