利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)等检测分析稀土元素La对Mg-6%Al-5%Pb(AP65)镁合金(质量分数)显微组织的影响,并采用恒电流法、动电位极化扫描法和析氢法研究La含量对AP65镁合金的腐蚀电化学性能的影响。结果表明:加入La能够使AP65镁合金α-Mg组织得到细化,生成针状稀土相Mg80(Al,La)17和块状稀土相Mg17(Al,La)12;添加La提高了AP65镁合金的电化学活性、耐腐蚀性能和阳极效率,使AP65的平均电位负移;当La含量为2%(质量分数)时,平均电位最负为-1.73 V(vs SCE)。添加6%La使AP65镁合金的平均析氢速率从1.75 m L/(cm2·h)下降到0.02 m L/(cm2·h),并且使阳极效率从74.30%上升到82.31%。
Mg-Al-Pb alloy is a good candidate for the anode material of magnesium seawater battery. For improving the low current utilization efficiency of Mg-Al-Pb alloy, the influence of Ce on the microstructures and electrochemical corrosion properties in a 3.5% NaCl solution was investigated using scanning electron microscope and electrochemical measurements. The results indicate that Ce refines the grain structure of Mg-Al-Pb alloy. The formation of strip Al11Ce3 second phase promotes the uniform distribution of Mg17Al12 phase in Mg-Al-Pb-Ce alloy. The addition of cerium accelerates the discharge activity of Mg-Al-Pb alloy. Due to a large number of cathodic Al11Ce3 and MglyAla2 phases, Ce promotes the micro-galvanic corrosion and leads to larger corrosion current density and hydrogen evolution rate in Mg-Al-Pb-Ce alloy than those in Mg-Al-Pb alloy. However, Mg-Al-Pb alloy expresses smaller utilization efficiency than Mg-Al-Pb-Ce alloy because of grain detachment.