Osteoarthritis is mainly caused by the degenerative changes of cartilage and cartilage extracellular matrix,while Aggrecanases degradate Proteoglycans which are the major components of cartilage.This review includes three aspects:(1) We have concluded the major enzymes(ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5) which regulate the metabolism of cartilage extracellular matrix.Meanwhile,we have summarized the structure of aggrecanases(ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5) and introduced the function of each regional structure;(2) We have concluded the way cytokines and glycosaminoglycans regulate the metabolism of aggrecanases,and discussed the regulation and control principle of cytokines and glycosaminoglycan;(3) We have summarized the majority of inhibitors to the aggrecanases,introduced the endogenic inhibitors,and put our emphasis on the extrinsic inhibitors(chelating agents,polypeptides and so on).Through deeper research on the enzymes,it will help us further understand the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis,and open up new avenues to clinical treatment.Abstract:SUMM ARY Osteoarthritis is mainly caused by the degenerative changes of cartilage and cartilage extra-cellular matrix,while Aggrecanases degradate Proteoglycanswhich are the major components of cartilage.This review includes three aspects:(1) W e have concluded the major enzymes(ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5) which regulate the metabolism of cartilage extracellular matrix.Meanwhile,we have sum-marized the structure of aggrecanases(ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5) and introduced the function of each regional structure;(2) W e have concluded the way cytokines and glycosam inoglycans regulate the metab-olism of aggrecanases,and d iscussed the regulation and control principle of cytokines and glycosam inogly-can;(3) W e have summarized the majority of inhibitors to the aggrecanases,introduced the endogenic inhibitors,and put our emphasis on the extrinsic inhibitors(chelating agents,polypeptides and so on).Through deeper research on the enzymes,it will help us further understand the pathogenesis of osteoar-thriti