The random delays in a networked control system (NCS) degrade control performance and can even destabilize the control system.To deal with this problem,the time-stamped predictive functional control (PFC) algorithm is proposed,which generalizes the standard PFC algorithm to networked control systems with random delays.The algorithm uses the time-stamp method to estimate the control delay,predicts the future outputs based on a discrete time delay state space model,and drives the control law that applies to an NCS from the idea of a PFC algorithm.A networked control system was constructed based on TrueTime simulator,with which the time-stamped PFC algorithm was compared with the standard PFC algorithm.The response curves show that the proposed algorithm has better control performance.
传统预测函数控制算法不能有效处理网络控制系统中的随机延迟,为此提出了时戳预测函数控制算法.该算法使用时间戳来估计由网络引入的控制延迟,在预测系统未来输出时明确考虑了该延迟,然后借鉴传统预测函数控制算法的基本策略,得到了适用于网络控制系统的控制规律.进一步由TrueT im e工具箱搭建了网络控制系统仿真平台,对比了时戳预测函数控制算法和传统预测函数控制算法.仿真结果表明随着网络引入延迟的增大,时戳预测函数控制算法给出控制品质明显优越于传统预测函数控制算法.