Objective] The effects of four QoI fungicides on potato and tomato and cumumber quality and yield formation under disease-free conditions were studied in order to research the physiological effects of four QoI fungicides on these fruit veg-etables and explore the range of minium dose for the obvious physiological effect and the dose for the maximum effect. [Method] The effects of four strobilurin fungi-cides on yield formation and quality were studied under disease-free conditions in the field. Two applications of each strobilurin fungicide were designed. The yield and commercial ratio for each application were investigated. [Results] The minimum dose for the obvious physical effect on potato and tomato and cucumber was lower than 133 mg/L , the dose for maximum effect on patoto and cucumber of the four stro-bilurin fungicides maybe also lower than 667 mg/L. The dose of fenaminstrobin and pyraoxystrobin for maximum effect on tomato maybe also lower than 667 mg/L. [Conclusion] The study suggested that enotroburin, fenaminstrobin, pyrametostrobin and pyraoxystrobin were able to increase the yield and ratio of high quality potato and cucumber and tomato.