本实验以人胎长骨成骨细胞为模型,观察中毒剂量氟和生理剂量雌激素对其生长、增殖与碱性磷酸酶活性的影响。证实:0.2—1mM 氟可间断抑制 OB 的生长与功能;生理浓度雌激素可直接刺激 OB 的增殖与碱性磷酸酶活性,并调节氟中毒 OB 的生长与功能,使之恢复至对照组水平。实验结果提示生理浓度的雌激素可缓解氟对骨细胞的毒性作用,在骨形成中发挥调节作用。实验结果可为探讨氟骨症的发病机理提供一定的实验依据。
Objective\ \ To measure the level of osteocalcin (BGP) in ovariectomized rat and study its significance. Methods\ 20 female SD inbred rats were divided into sham ovariectomized (sham OVX) group and ovariectomized group (OVX). 18 weeks postsurgery, serum and 24 hour urine were collected to measure BGP by radioimmunoassay. Serum Ca, P concentration, alkaline phosphatase activity, urine Ca, P and hydroxyproline were also measured. Results \ Compared with sham OVX rat, the BGP level of OVX rats (0 98±0 14μg/L)was markdly lower than that of sham OVX rat (1 50±0 32μg/L, P<0 01),and serum Ca, P were also reduced. Serum AKP, urine Ca, P and HOP were significantly increased.Conclusion\ Reduced BGP of OVX rat suggests that there is reduced bone formation and declined bone turnover during a slow phase of bone loss in ovariectomized rat.\;