Safflower is a popular Chinese medicinal plant and Safflower injection is extensively used for the clinical treatment of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. In this study, HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn was utilized to study the stability and degradation of the two major but chemically unstable bioactive compounds hydroxysaffior yellow A and anhydrosaffior yellow B, in Safflower injection. The impact of light irradiation, temperature, and pH on the stability of these two compounds were studied. The results showed that hydroxysafflor yellow A and anhydrosafflor yellow B could degrade at high temperature (〉60 ℃) or extreme pHs (pH ≤ 3.0 or 〉7.0), but not under light irradiation. The common degradation product was p-coumaric acid. Chemical structures of the other degradation products were characterized by LC-MS. Hypothetical degradation pathways were proposed. In addition, ADP-induced platelet aggregation tests showed that the degradation of anhydrosaffior yellow B could reduce the anticoagulation activities of Safflower injection. Our results suggest that temperature and pH are critically important for the preparation and storage of Safflower injection.
110 m口径全可动射电望远镜(Qitai radio Telescope,QTT)使用主动面调整技术修正天线因重力、温度等造成的天线表面形变,提高天线高频工作下的接收效率。主动面系统作为一种多节点控制网络,需要对其通信技术及网络拓扑进行合理设计,满足功能和性能的需要。通过分析国内外采用主动面技术的大口径射电望远镜的控制网络形式,并对比了典型工业以太网与现场总线的优劣,采用工业以太网作为控制网络的通信协议。分别基于Ethernet Powerlink和EtherCAT两种工业以太网技术设计了QTT主动面分布式控制网络。