The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is particularly important for the neural representation of reward value. Previous studies indicated that electroencephalogram (EEG) activity in the OFC was involved in drug administration and withdrawal. The present study investigated EEG activity in the OFC in rats during the development of food reward and craving. Two environments were used separately for control and food-related EEG recordings. In the food-related environment rats were first trained to eat chocolate peanuts; then they either had no access to this food, but could see and smell it (craving trials), or had free access to this food (reward trials). The EEG in the left OFC was recorded during these trials. We showed that, in the food-related environment the EEG activity peaking in the delta band (2-4 Hz) was significantly correlated with the stimulus, increasing during food reward and decreasing during food craving when compared with that in the control environment. Our data suggests that EEG activity in the OFC can be altered by food reward; moreover, delta rhythm in this region could be used as an index monitoring changed signal underlying this reward.
建立了一种基于图像处理的快速瞳孔直径检测算法,运用此算法提取了反映阿片类药物成瘾人员与正常人对瞳孔光反射变化差异的3个特征值:绝对收缩幅度(absolute amplitude of contraction,AAC)、相对收缩幅度(relative amplitude of contraction,RAC)和收缩斜率(SCV,slope of contraction velocity);分别研究了成瘾、性别、近视、年龄、睡眠剥夺等因素对于这3个特征值的影响。不同性别、近视人员、睡眠剥夺人员与正常人之间的3个特征值均无显著差异,成瘾人员与之对比均显著减小。老年人相对于正常青年人,3个特征值都明显减小;与成瘾人员相比,仅在RAC值上有显著差异。结果表明,阿片类药物成瘾人员除了与正常人外,也与其他具有潜在影响瞳孔变化因素的非阿片成瘾人员在瞳孔对光反射的特征值上具有显著差异。该研究的实验数据为进一步建立基于检测瞳孔对光反射其直径发生变化的方法来快速、非接触地鉴别出阿片类药物成瘾人员提供了可靠的依据。