To obtain a better placement result, a partitioning-based placement algorithm with wirelength prediction called HJ-Pl is presented. A new method is proposed to estimate proximity of interconnects in a netlist, which is capable of predicting not only short interconnects but long interconnects accurately. The predicted wirelength is embedded into the partitioning tool of bisection-based global placement, which can guide our placement towards a solution with shorter interconnects. In addition, the timing objective can be handled within the algorithm by minimizing the critical path delay. Experimental results show that, compared to Capol0. 5, mPL6, and NTUplace, HJ-P1 outperforms these placers in terms of wirelength and run time. The improvements in terms of average wirelength over Capo10. 5, mPL6 and NPUplace are 13%, 3%, and 9% with only 19%, 91%, and 99% of their runtime, respectively. By integrating the predicted wirelength-driven clustering into Capo10. 5, the placer is able to reduce average wirelength by 3%. The timing-driven HJ-P1 can reduce the critical path delay by 23%.