安妮·塞克斯顿(Anne Sexton,1928—1974)是美国著名自白派诗人,出版过约十部诗集,一部戏剧,其中诗集《生或死》(Live ov Die)获得1967年度普利策奖。塞克斯顿本人患有严重的心理疾病,曾经数度入院治疗,最后还是在四十六岁时以自杀了结了自己的生命。她开始写诗纯属偶然,据说是接受了心理治疗师的建议,将写诗作为一种情感宣泄的方式。但诗歌给她的人生带来了戏剧性的变化,她不仅获得了诗人的无上荣耀,而且使个人的心理状况发生了积极的转变。
Hamlet remains an enigma in literature. Most critics thought that Hamlet's week personality resulted in the tragedy. Coleridge offered the theory of psychological balance to interpret Hamlet's prevarication. He said that Hamlet's inner world is too rich to consider the outer world. Shakespeare valued action more than knowledge, and action is the great aim of existence. This profound philosophical and psychological interpretation transcended the forerunners, and enlightened later criticisms on Hamlet.