采用自主研制的一种次毫米过滤组件,实现高浓度污泥的折衷分离,考察了ρ(污泥)(10~30 g/L)、组件孔径(0.10~1.00 mm)及压差(水头差:30 cm H2O,90 cm H2O)对次毫米过滤通量和平均通量的影响;利用多元线性回归模型和因素主次分析方法,探讨了三因素对平均通量的影响程度.结果表明:在不同的ρ(污泥)、组件孔径及压差条件下,过滤通量随时间均呈负指数形式衰减;三因素对平均通量的影响程度为ρ(污泥)>组件孔径>压差,ρ(污泥)与平均通量呈负相关,组件孔径、压差与平均通量呈正相关.同时,通过解析多元线性回归模型得到次毫米平均通量的表达式,为试验设计的优化提供了理论依据.
Sludge concentration subarea(A area and B area) is realized by mesh filter unit,solving the higher sludge concentration process problem of MBR system under zero excess sludge discharge conditions.Mass balance of the system is processed,and variety disciplinarians of VSS of A area and B area are analyzed.The results show that XA decreases while HRTA increases.XB decreases while R increases,and ascends as VSS(XA,B) of mesh effluent increases.When XB is a fixed value,XA,B increases as R does and XA decreases slowly while R increases,which theoretically proves the feasibility of the technique.