The efficiency, precision, and denoising capabilities of reconstruction algorithms are critical to seismic data processing. Based on the Fourier-domain projection onto convex sets (POCS) algorithm, we propose an inversely proportional threshold model that defines the optimum threshold, in which the descent rate is larger than in the exponential threshold in the large-coefficient section and slower than in the exponential threshold in the small-coefficient section. Thus, the computation efficiency of the POCS seismic reconstruction greatly improves without affecting the reconstructed precision of weak reflections. To improve the flexibility of the inversely proportional threshold, we obtain the optimal threshold by using an adjustable dependent variable in the denominator of the inversely proportional threshold model. For random noise attenuation by completing the missing traces in seismic data reconstruction, we present a weighted reinsertion strategy based on the data-driven model that can be obtained by using the percentage of the data-driven threshold in each iteration in the threshold section. We apply the proposed POCS reconstruction method to 3D synthetic and field data. The results suggest that the inversely proportional threshold model improves the computational efficiency and precision compared with the traditional threshold models; furthermore, the proposed reinserting weight strategy increases the SNR of the reconstructed data.