The unceasing revolution of the global economy and culture boosts the revolutionary step of the educational circle.Combining the creed of The Guide of College English Teaching in 2016 with the results of investigation and survey in colleges, a research group in the Institute of Foreign Languages of Hankou University comes up with a revolutionary trial scheme on College English teaching conducted by discovery learning theory, as well as a research method of action research, which is in hope of mending the problems and shortcomings of current College English teaching.
PAD(presentation,assimilation and discussion) and flipped classroom mix the advantages of PAD and flipped classroom,PADand flipped classroom separate the period of a teacher's teaching and students' interaction,allowing students to assimilate the knowl-edge they learned in one week,this teaching mode considers different groups of students.A result of a recent teaching experiment showsthat this teaching mode can allocate class time more efficiently and equally to each student to practise oral English.Students are moreconfident,more willing to participate and show more interest in oral class.
Zhang Ailin created so many various kinds of female charaters in her novels;females who own distinct characters and identities just have similar fates and struggles.This paper tries to probe into the similar fates and struggles of two heroines with different identities in the same social background by analysing the novel Gimmal and Crumbs of Agalloch Eaglewood-the First Incense Burner from perspective of feminism.