A new pulsed helium nano droplets machine has been constructed. The droplets were gener- ated by expansion of the pure helium through the cryogenic valve attached to a closed-cycle cryostat. The mean size of helium droplets can be controlled between 103 and 105 helium atoms by tuning the backing pressure (10-40 bar) and temperature (10-30 K). Compared with the continuous-flow beam source, the density of droplet is at least one order of magni- tude higher, which offers the opportunity to combine the system with the commercial pulsed laser to study chemical reactions inside of the superfluid helium at ultra-low temperature. The performance for the system has been checked by studying the photodissociation of CH3I doped droplets at 252 nm with the velocity map imaging technique. The photofragments, CH3, were detected by (2+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization. The speed and angular distributions derived from resulting images show clear evidence of the relaxation effect by the surrounding helium atoms. The pulsed helium droplets depletion spectroscopy was also demonstrated. The depletion spectrum of benzene doped helium droplets indicates that less than 3% depletion can be observed with the newly constructed apparatus.
We present a first velocity map imaging study on the 234 nm photodissociation dynamics of two carbon-chain branched alkyl bromides, neopentyl bromide (denoted as NPB) and tert- pentyl bromide (denoted as TPB). Unlike the 234 nm photodissociation of the unbranched n-C5H11Br molecule where only a direct fission of the C-Br bond is involved, the branched NPB and TPB molecules exhibit one and two more independent dissociation pathways with much energy being decayed via an extensive excitation of the bending modes of the parent molecules prior to the C-Br bond fission. This observation strongly suggests that the dissociation coordinate for the two carbon-chain branched molecules is no longer solely ascribed to the C-Br stretching mode but rather a combination of the bending-stretching modes.