A novel AIN monolithic microchannel cooled heatsink for high power laser diode array is introduced.The high power stack laser diode array with an AIN monolithic microchannel heatsink is fabricated and tested.The thermal impedance of a 10 stack laser diode array is 0 121℃/W.The pitch between two adjacent bars is 1 17mm.The power level of 611W is achieved under the 20% duty factor condition at an emission wavelength around 808nm.
The 808nm laser diodes with a broad waveguide are designed and fabricated.The thickness of the Al_ 0.35 - Ga_ 0.65 As waveguide is increased to 0.9μm.In order to suppress the super modes,the thickness of the Al_ 0.55 Ga_ 0.45 As cladding layers is reduced to only 0.7μm while keeping the transverse radiation losses of the fundamental mode below 0.2cm -1 .The structures are grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition.The devices show excellent performances.The maximum output power of 10.2W in the 100μm broad-area laser diodes is obtained.