In order to study the combustion characteristics of hybrid fuel after butanol has been mixed with different ratio of hydrogen,AVL FIRE software is used to simulate the process of the combustion of hybrid fuel in constant volume combustion bomb.This study uses the software of CATIA to complete the creation of three dimensional model of the constant volume combustion bomb and the software of AVL FIRE to complete grid drawing and numerical simulation of combustion.According to the ratio of 5%,10%,15%and 20%which hydrogen mixed with butanol,then study on the characteristics that mean pressure,rate of heat release and so on of combustion of the four kinds of mixed fuels with different initial conditions.The results shows that the parameters of combustion characteristics of butanol mixed hydrogen:pressure,rate of pressure rise,heat release and rate of heat release are all increased with increasing of ratio of hydrogen-doped;with increasing of ratio of hydrogen-doped,the burning duration is shortened and the peak of combustion parameters is advanced.