子宫内膜异位症(Endometriosis, EMT)是指子宫内膜组织出现在子宫体以外的部位,异位病灶可波及全身任何部位,但最常见于卵巢、宫骶韧带。内异症是育龄期妇女常见的良性疾病,但其同时又具有恶性肿瘤的种植、侵袭及远处转移等特点,以卵巢和宫骶韧带为其最常见的种植部位。痛经和不孕是内异症的主要临床表现,常严重影响着患病妇女的身心健康,但因其发病机制尚不清楚,且经治疗后易复发,故为妇科常见的难治性疾病。现代医学治疗内异症以手术切除病灶和服用激素类药物为主,但仍存在病情容易反复的特点,处理不当甚则伤害卵巢功能。而中药治疗子宫内膜异位症及其后遗症具有较大的优势,“肾阳不足,寒凝血瘀”应为内异症的发病基础,通行冲任、胞宫之气血,消除离经之血当为内异症及其后遗症的重要治法。而虫类药可通行经络,对治疗子宫内膜异位症及其后遗症有重要的临床价值。Endometriosis (EMT) refers to endometriosis tissue outside the uterus. Ectopic lesions can affect any part of the whole body, but the most common cases are ovarian and uterine and sacral ligaments. Endometriosis is a common benign disease in women of childbearing age, but it also has the characteristics of implantation, invasion and distant metastasis of malignant tumors, and the ovary and the uterine sacral ligament are the most common implant sites. Dysmenorrhea and infertility are the main clinical manifestations of endometriosis, which often seriously affect the physical and mental health of affected women, but because its pathogenesis is not clear, and easy to relapse after treatment, it is a common refractory disease in gynecology. Modern medical treatment of endometriosis is mainly based on surgical resection of the focus and taking hormone drugs, but there are still characteristics: the disease is easy to repeat, and improper treatment will harm the ovarian function. Traditional Chi