Based on the conventional compliance and area methods, a high precision method named the angle method is presented in this work. The interlaminar fracture toughness is determined by measurement of the load and the bending angle at the loading point without measurement of the crack length, and the improvement of the conventional compliance method is made, which is more precise and can be used to general DCB specimen with unequal flexural stiffness of the cantilevers. The interlaminar fracture toughness in 0/ θ(θ =0°,30°,60°,90°) interfaces of two epoxy composites, one being the carbon fibre reinforced brittle matrix T300/4211, the other the carbon fibre reinforced tough matrix T300/3261, is measured by both compliance and angle methods, and the relationship between fracture toughness and the ply angle θ is obtained. It is found that the interlaminar fracture toughness is correlated with the type of matrix and the ply angles near the crack front.
采用高能球磨法制备了用于热浸镀锌的纳米C eO2/Zn复合粉末,并利用X射线衍射(X-ray d iffraction,XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(X-ray photoe lectron spectroscopy,XPS)、透射电镜(T ransm iss ion e lectron m i-croscopy,TEM)、扫描电镜(Scann ing e lectron m icroscopy,SEM)以及能谱分析(X-ray energy d ispers ive spec-trum,EDS)等方法,对复合粉末的显微结构、表面成分、晶粒大小、微观形貌以及元素分布进行了研究。结果表明,随着球磨时间的延长,纳米C eO2硬团聚体逐渐解聚,Zn晶粒不断细化,形成层片状复合粉末;球磨120 m in后纳米C eO2粒子分散良好,呈理想的单个均匀弥散分布状态包覆在Zn颗粒上形成近似球形的复合粒子,其粒径分布均匀。
The nanocomposite coating is obtained by electrochemical deposition of the zinc plating solution with ceria nanoparticles (mean diameter 30 nm). The effect of ceria nanoparticles on the electrodeposited zinc coating is stu died by weight loss test, inductively copuled plasma quantometer (ICP), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. It is found that under the same electrodeposition conditions, the corrosion resistance of the nanocomposite coating increases obviously while that of the micron composite coating only improves slightly; The ceria content of the nanocomposite coating is more than that of the micron composite coating. Ceria nanoparticles modify the surface morphology and crystal structure of the zinc matrix in correlation with the increase of corrosion resistance.