提出并实现了一个以特定领域的概念化模型——领域本体作为统一语义模型的关系数据库网上发布与集成系统DIDSBS。该系统从领域本体出发,提出并实现了形式化本体和DTD(Document Type Definition ,文档类型定义)、DTD和关系视图的转换算法,实现了XML文档和数据库视图在语义和结构上的对应关系。
The ontology model of a certain domatin is an effective approach for the intercommunion between people form the different domains,the communication and interoperation among agents,and the share and reuse of the software.But the lack of formal analysis tools for domain modeling results in taking liberties with conceptualization.This paper discusses how to introduce the ontological notions from philosophy into Knowledge Engineering in order to supply a set of formal analysis tools for conceptualization analysis.This method can definitely record the hypothesis and analysis criterions through ontology huilding,and clarify the hiberarchy of concepts.