随着汉语日常话语研究的日益深入,相关的语料库建设工作愈发重要。自然发生的、人际互动过程中的语言事实,是支撑科学研究的优质基础原材料。对此类语料进行详尽描述和深入探讨,可发现并揭示汉语日常话语的使用规律和本质特征。本文介绍已建成并投入使用的“汉语日常话语语料库”(简称CED)。文章介绍“日常话语”的工作定义,报告该语料库建设的指导原则、研究方法,数据采集标准、标注方案制定及语料构成情况,希望更多的研究者从中得到些许启发。With the deepening of the study of daily Chinese discourse, the construction of related corpora is becoming more and more important. Linguistic facts occurring naturally in human interaction are the high-quality basic raw materials that underpin scientific research. A detailed description and in-depth discussion of such corpus can discover and reveal the rules and essential features of daily Chinese discourse. This article introduces the “Corpus of Everyday Chinese Discourse” (CED) that has been built and put into use. This article introduces the working definition of “everyday discourse” and reports the guiding principles, research methods, data collection standards, annotation scheme formulation and corpus composition of the corpus, hoping more researchers can get some inspiration from it.