IEC61131-3标准代表了工业控制软件设计技术的进步和发展方向。作者在PC平台上开发了基于IEC61131-3编程语言的开放式数控系统,设计了不同接口模块实现数控系统的各种功能。本文研究了该数控系统中的现场总线驱动模块,它用于和数字伺服和主轴等外部设备通讯。研究了在该种现场总线驱动模块中如何用工业以太网总线EtherCAT数据报文传输SERCOS协议定义的伺服参数、控制数据和伺服设备行规的方法。这种把标准伺服协议架构在工业以太网上的方式称为SOE(SERCOS over EtherCAT)。本文开发了基于61131-3编程语言的数控系统的SOE现场总线驱动模块,设计了使用SOE通用运动控制器。控制器能适用于控制各种通用接口伺服电机,增加机床的可重构性。最终在实验系统中验证了SOE现场总线驱动模块和通用运动控制器可以满足数控系统的控制要求。
The computer numerical control(CNC) system is suited to control varied types of flexible fixtures in aircraft component manufacturing and assembly. The mechanisms and control requirements of flexible fixtures are presented and analyzed. The hardware and software architecture and implementation of CNC system are pro- posed. The flexible fixture mechanism is described using configuration parameters. According to the parameters, the CNC system automatically generates the control feature and the human machine interface (HMI) operation function. The CNC system is implemented in a flexible fixture for skin-strlnger assembly, and results show the effectiveness of the system.