By means of ERA-40, JRA-25, NCEP/NCAR and NCEP/DOE reanalysis data, empirical relations between precipitable water and surface vapor pressure in spatial and temporal scale were calculated. The reliabilities of precipitable water from reanalysis data were validated based on comparing different W-e empirical relations of various reanalysis data, in order to provide basis and reference for reasonable application. The results showed that W-e empirical relation of ERA-40 was closest to that of sounding data in China, and precipitable water from ERA-40 was the most credible. The worldwide comparison among W-e empirical relations of four reanalysis data showed that there was little difference in annual mean W-e empirical relations in the middle latitudes and great differences in low and high latitudes. Seasonal mean W-e empirical relations in the middle latitudes of the northern Hemisphere had little difference in spring, autumn and winter, but great difference in summer. Therefore, the reliabilities of precipitable water from reanalysis data in spring, autumn and winter in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere were higher than other areas and seasons. W-e empirical relations of NCEP/NCAR and NCEP/DOE had good stability in different years, while there was poor stability in ERA-40 and JRA-25.