The natural precipitation status in Chaoyang District was discussed from aspects of regional distribution,seasonal and annual variation.According to rainfall and evaporation data in recent 50 years from several typical stations in Chaoyang,the drought status was analyzed.The drought in each season of Chaoyang was divided into different types,and by using decomposition principle and the scientific simulation method,the main crops' yield in recent 50 years in 5 counties of Chaoyang and precipitation anomaly from April to September was analyzed to find out the main weather restricting factors.Meanwhile,according to the basic principles of farmland water balance and multi-disciplinary theoretical knowledge,some countermeasures were put forward,such as improving eco-environment,culturing drought resistant varieties and adjusting crop layout,so as to improve the utilization of natural precipitation in Chaoyang District,fully tap the water resources,and fight for the full harvest of agricultural production.
The warming effect of Chaoyang efficient agriculture was analyzed using nearly 60 years of climatic date and 30 years of agricultural material from three aspects including corn cultivation area,facility agriculture in protective field,gross agricultural output value.The results showed that climate warming had a very significant positive effect on the development of high-active agriculture in Chaoyang.
根据油松毛虫(Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu)越冬死亡率、发生量监测资料,运用统计分析方法,普查了影响油松毛虫活动的主要气象因子。以当年1月平均气温、2月最高气温、2月地面最高气温、1月地面平均最低气温及3月地面平均最高气温等气象因子建立了油松毛虫幼虫越冬死亡率预测模型,历史拟合率91.9%。以前1年8月下旬平均气温、前1年10月上旬降水量、前1年12月平均最高气温、当年1月中旬平均气温及当年4月上旬平均气温等气象因子建立了油松毛虫发生量预测模型,历史拟合率为88.2%。预报模型可以应用于防虫减灾工程。