为探讨未来时间洞察力、追求成功动机和学业拖延三者之间的关系,本文采用青少年未来时间洞察力量表、成就动机量表和中学生学业拖延量表对304名在读高中生进行预测。结果发现,未来时间洞察力、追求成功动机与学业拖延两两显著相关,未来时间洞察力显著正向预测追求成功动机,负向预测学业拖延;追求成功动机对学业拖延有显著负向预测作用;追求成功动机在未来时间洞察力和学业拖延之间起部分中介作用,高中生未来时间洞察力通过追求成功动机间接对学业拖延产生影响。结论:培养个体独立意识并增强自我效能感,能够激发个体追求成功动机,进而减少学业拖延行为。To explore the relationship among future time perspective, motivation for success and academic procrastination, 304 senior high school students were predicted by Adolescent Future Time Perspective Scale, Achievement Motivation Scale and Academic Procrastination Scale for Middle School Students. The results show that future time perspective, motivation for success and academic procrastination are significantly correlated, future time perspective significantly positively predicts motivation for success and negatively predicts academic procrastination;motivation for success has a significant negative predictive effect on academic procrastination;motivation for success plays a partial intermediary role between future time perspective and academic procrastination, high school students’ future time perspective indirectly affects academic procrastination through the pursuit of success motivation. Conclusion: Cultivating individual independence consciousness and enhancing self-efficacy can stimulate individual motivation to pursue success, and then reduce academic procrastination.