Visually-induced erotic arousal evoked by pornographic visual stimuli, such as films or photographs, is a common occurrence in human behavior. The brain activation associated with visual erotic stimuli in heterosexual right handed females is studied. Functional magnetic resonance imaging is used to investigate 15 female partici- panterotic arousal induced by visual stimuli in film and picture forms, respectively, performing three or more times during their menstrual cycle on a 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging scanner. There is activation of a set of bilateral brain areas, including the inferior lateral occipital cortex, the anterior supramarginal gyrus, the parietal operculum cortex, the superior parietal lobules, the right inferior frontal gyrus, the cerebellum, the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the hippocampus, and the mid-brain. From different regions, the brain activation is observed and the inferior frontal gyrus has found to be task-independent. Furthermore, the right inferior frontal gyrus has more activation than the left inferior frontal gyrus. The result shows that the right inferior frontal gyrus plays an important role in pornographic information processing rather than being activated stimuli property specific. It is presented for the first time that the functional laterization of the inferior frontal gyrus is bi-directional rather than single (left) directional.
目的:应用积极综合训练方法,对妇科肿瘤住院患者进行心理干预,并与一般心理支持治疗进行比较,为妇科肿瘤患者的临床心理治疗提供一种新方法。方法:选取北京大学肿瘤医院妇科接受手术治疗及化疗的患者80名,将病情及基本情况匹配的患者进行配对,分为对照组(40名,进行健康教育和支持性治疗)和干预组(40名,进行积极综合训练)。治疗结束后,用症状自评量表(Symptom Checklist90,SCL-90)和生活质量问卷(Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core30,QLQ-C30)进行评定。结果:干预后,干预组的SCL-90量表评分(除恐怖、人际关系敏感因子外)均低于对照组[如,总分(1.43±0.34)vs.(1.87±0.43),P<0.001]。干预组化疗患者在QLQ-C30的躯体功能、角色功能、情绪功能、认知功能、总体健康评分均高于对照组[如,总体健康(62.50±10.29)vs.(52.50±15.78),P=0.024],而疲倦、恶心呕吐、疼痛、失眠、食欲丧失、便秘、腹泻等因子分低于对照组[如,疲倦(52.77±16.07)vs.(65.55±20.36),P=0.034]。结论:积极综合干预能更好地帮助患者减轻身心症状,改善生活质量。