Relying on CMPP (China Mobile Peer to Peer) protocol,we propose and design SMS (Short Message Service) gateway interface for early warning plan based on real-time meteorological database application,in order to form the meteorological mobile internet service system which is 'One point connect,service the whole province' for short.Accessing interface system to each city's SMG (Short Message Gateway) through standard protocol,we establish the information transmitting channel of short message platform and mobile SMG to realize the store-forward and flow control of short message.In addition,the stable and dependable communication connect of interface system and mobile SMG should be ensure,and the connect could be reconstructed while encountering any error,as well as committing short message would be stopped due to interruption of connect.
为适应农村气象防灾减灾的新形势和新要求,建设一套集约化、易管理、节省资源、稳定性强的分布式气象灾害预警信息短信发布平台。其依托辽宁省气象局广域网,以SQL Server 2000为后台数据库支撑,实现辽宁省、市、县3级气象部门均能将气象灾害预警信息、决策气象信息服务中的实时信息(降水量资料、实况资料等)通过统一的绿色短信渠道灵活、直接、及时提供给当地政府和相关部门。