This paper studies quantitatively the generation of Lamb waves in thin bonded plates subjected to laser illumination, after considering the viscoelasticity of the adhesive layer. The displacements of such plates have been calculated in the frequency domain by using the finite element method, and the time domain response has been reconstructed by applying an inverse fast Fourier transform. Numerical results are presented showing the normal surface displacement for several configurations: a single aluminum plate, a three-layer bonded plate, and a two-layer plate. The characteristics of the laser-generated Lamb waves for each particular case have been investigated. In addition, the sensitivity of the transient responses to variations of material properties (elastic modulus, viscoelastic modulus, and thickness) of the adhesive layer has been studied in detail.
In this work, lanthanide doped zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized in room-temperature ionic liquid via a sonochemical method have been studied. Firstly, the cavitation bubble temperatures in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (ImPF6) have been estimated by the methyl radical recombination method. The temperatures measured in ImPF6 are in the range of 3000-4000 K. Secondly, a facile method has been proposed to prepare lanthanide (Ⅲ) doped zinc oxide nanoparticles in ImPF6 via an ultrasonic irradiation. The nanomaterials are studied by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, photoacoustic and luminescence techniques. The results show that the relaxation processes of the samples depend strongly on the lanthanide doping. Moreover, a mechanism is proposed to interpret the formation of lanthanide (Ⅲ) doped zinc oxide nanoparticles in the ImPF6 upon ultrasonic irradiation.
The enthalpy and conformational volume changes in the photolyses of carboxy-hemoglobin (HbCO) of human, bovine, pig, horse and rabbit are investigated by photoacoustic calorimetry. Considering the time scales of the exciting laser pulse and the receiving ultrasound transducers (PVDF films and PZT ceramics), as well as the reaction lifetimes in the photolysis processes of HbCO, the measured results are related to the geminate recombination and tertiary relaxation in photolyses of HbCO. Moreover, the quantum yields of the five mammals are also measured by laser pump-probe technique. The results show that the dynamic parameters, such as enthalpy and conformational volume changes, differ between the processes of the geminate recombination and tertiary relaxation. Also, the dynamic parameters differ among the five mammals although some of them may be consistent with each other.