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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Electron microprobe monazite Th-Pb dating and its constraints on multi-stage metamorphism of low-pressure pelitic granulite from the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane被引量:8
Monazites from low-pressure pelitic granulite of the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane were dated by the electron microprobe method. Three stages of metamor- phic age at 1720±15 Ma, 1687±16 Ma and 1568±15 Ma were yielded by constructing age mapping for zoned mona- zites and PbO-ThO2* isochron diagram for unzoned mona- zites, respectively. The first age was interpreted as the age of an early amphibolite-facies metamorphism, the second age as the peak granulite-facies, and the last age as uplifting of the granulite unit. These ages are the first geochronologic data for the low-pressure pelitic granulites in the Jingshan Group, and thus are of important significance when discussing the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Jiaobei terrane.
芦芽山紫苏花岗岩体主要由紫苏二长岩、紫苏石英二长岩、紫苏花岗岩和钾长花岗岩组成.这些花岗质岩石表现TiO2,P2O5,K2 O,Zr,Nb,Y,Pb,La,Ce和Ba富集以及高的K2O/Na2O比值,而MgO,CaO,Mg#,Th,U亏损和低的Sr/Ba、Rb/Ba比值.Zr,Nb和Ce与SiO2反相关,这与Ⅰ型花岗岩恰恰相反.这些岩石的Sm-Nd同位素特征比较均一,初始εNd值为-5.93到-6.97,亏损地幔模式年龄为2.67到2.78 Ga.这些特征说明紫苏花岗质岩浆起源于晚太古代下地壳的部分熔融,即铁镁质麻粒岩在富CO2流体存在和异常高温下的部分熔融,石榴石作为主要残余相.它们经历了干燥高温岩浆的结晶分异,辉石、斜长石、磷灰石和钛铁矿可能为早期结晶相.芦芽山紫苏花岗岩的岩浆作用形成于东部陆块和西部陆块(~1850 Ma)主碰撞期后的俯冲洋壳拆沉、地幔上隆导致的热松弛构造背景.
涑水杂岩中TTG岩石的锆石SHRIMP年代学、地球化学特征和微量元素成因模拟表明, 涑水杂岩中的TTG岩石分为两个系列,分别是晚太古代岛弧型TTG系列和早元古代深熔型TTG 系列.岛弧型TTG系列与华北中部带中其他块体的晚太古代岛弧岩浆作用共同反映当时东、西部地块之间存在洋壳俯冲;深熔型TTG系列所反映的加厚陆壳环境与华北中部带在早元古代发生碰撞一致。上述特征支持中条地块属于华北中部带的论断.
报道了五台地区一个晚太古代片麻状富钾花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为2509±7.4Ma。该年龄与前人获得的年代学数据一起,进一步限定了晚太古期间五台-吕梁地区与俯冲有关的弧岩浆活动的年代框架。为了探讨晚太古宙—古元古代不同类型的花岗岩的源区性质和演化,特别是当时的陆壳增生机制和古老陆壳性质,本文在锆石U-Pb年代学的基础上对相应的锆石进行了细致的Hf同位素原位测量。结果表明,晚太古代片麻状花岗岩可能代表发育在古老克拉通(东部陆块?)上的弧岩浆作用产物。碰撞后(1.8 Ga)花岗岩的形成与加厚的造山带发生垮塌性伸展有关,后者导致幔源物质底侵,并引起下地壳物质的部分熔融而形成花岗质岩石。这些壳源花岗质岩浆再以不同比例与幔源岩浆混合而形成吕梁-五台地区成分复杂的碰撞后岩浆岩(花岗质为主)。锆石Hf同位素还表明,吕梁-五台地区可能存在老于2.7Ga的古老克拉通物质(2.9Ga?),虽然目前还没有发现这么老的碎屑锆石。
古元古代吕梁变质地块位于华北克拉通中部构造带中段的西缘,其中有大量的古元古代花岗闪长质到花岗质的侵入体。根据花岗岩岩石组合和同位素地质年代学资料,吕梁地区古元古代的花岗岩浆事件可分四个阶段。在早期拉张阶段,2364Ma的盖家庄片麻状花岗岩侵位,并伴随有大陆边缘裂谷型的吕梁群的火山活动。拉张-挤压转化阶段的花岗岩浆活动,代表性产物是2150Ma左右的赤坚岭片麻状花岗闪长岩;中期的挤压阶段的花岗岩浆活动,代表性产物是2063Ma的道仁沟石英二长岩、1906Ma的惠家庄似斑状黑云母花岗岩和1848Ma的市庄细粒花岗闪长岩等;晚期的拉张阶段的花岗岩浆活动,主要有1805Ma的大草坪斑状花岗岩和1800Ma的芦芽山斑状花岗岩、云中山花岗岩等。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究结果表明,以往划分的关帝山杂岩是由不同时期的花岗岩所组成,应以解体。可将其划分为挤压阶段的惠家庄岩体、市庄岩体和后造山阶段的大草坪岩体等.
What Happened in the Trans-North China Orogen in the Period 2560-1850 Ma?被引量:16
The Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO) was a Paleoproterozic continent-continent collisional belt along which the Eastern and Western Blocks amalgamated to form a coherent North China Craton (NCC). Recent geological, structural, geochemical and isotopic data show that the orogen was a continental margin or Japan-type arc along the western margin of the Eastern Block, which was separated from the Western Block by an old ocean, with eastward-directed subduction of the oceanic lithosphere beneath the western margin of the Eastern Block. At 2550-2520 Ma, the deep subduction caused partial melting of the medium-lower crust, producing copious granitoid magma that was intruded into the upper levels of the crust to form granitoid plutons in the low- to medium-grade granite-greeustone terranes. At 2530-2520 Ma, subduction of the oceanic lithosphere caused partial melting of the mantle wedge, which led to underplating of mafic magma in the lower crust and widespread mafic and minor felsic volcanism in the arc, forming part of the greenstone assemblages. Extension driven by widespread mafic to felsic volcanism led to the development of back-arc and/or intra-arc basins in the orogen. At 2520-2475 Ma, the subduction caused further partial melting of the lower crust to form large amounts of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) magmatism. At this time following further extension of back-arc basins, episodic granitoid magmatism occurred, resulting in the emplacement of 2360 Ma, -2250 Ma 2110-21760 Ma and -2050 Ma granites in the orogen. Contemporary volcano-sedimentary rocks developed in the back-arc or intra-are basins. At 2150-1920 Ma, the orogen underwent several extensional events, possibly due to subduction of an oceanic ridge, leading to emplacement of mafic dykes that were subsequently metamorphosed to amphibolites and medium- to high-pressure mafic granulites. At 1880-1820 Ma, the ocean between the Eastern and Western Blocks was completely consumed by subduction, and the dosing of the ocean led to the con
Guochun ZHAOLIU ShuwenMin SUNLI SanzhongSimon WILDEXiaoping XIAJian ZHANGYanhong HE
Nd-Sr Isotopic Geochemistry of the Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic Granitoids in the Lüliang-Wutai Terrain,North China Craton,and Implications for Petrogenesis被引量:4
In this paper we report geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data for a late Archean gneissic granitic pluton (Hengling pluton), an early Paleoproterozoic complex (Xipan complex) and a late Paleoproterozoic granitic pluton (Yunzhongshan granites) from the Liiliang-Wutai terrain, North China, to trace the source of these late Archean-Paleoproterozoic granitoids and, particularly, to understand the nature and mechanism of continental growth at that time. The Hengling granitic gneisses (ca. 2.51 Ga) are characterized by high Na2O and LILEs, TTG-like REE patterns (highly depleted HREE and minor Eu anomalies) and moderately depleted Nd-Sr isotopic compositions (εNd(t) =1.2-2.7, ISr=0.7015-0.7019), and were considered as being products of arc magmatism that was developed upon the North China craton. The Xipan complex (ca. 2.2 Ga) contain gabbroic diorite and monzonite, mostly being Na2O-rich, highly fractionated REE patterns and isotopically enriched (εNd(t) =-1.5 to -4.1, Isr=0.7038-0.706). The gabbroic diorites probably originated from melting of an enriched mantle source, but significantly contaminated by lower crustal material, and the monzonites probably represent a product of a mixture between the gabbroic dioritic magma and granitic melts of crustal origin. The Yunzhongshan post-collisional granitoids (ca. 1.8 Ga) are characterized by high-K affinity and highly-enriched and homogeneous Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(t)=-4.9 to -5.7), although they split into two groups in terms of REE patterns: one group showing elevated HREE (and Sc, Y and Zr) with significant negative Eu anomalies and the other showing highly depleted HREE and, to a lesser extent, mid-REE with negligible Eu anomalies. These granites are genetically related to a process of extensional collapse of a thickened orogen. They formed through magma mixing between mantle-derived basaltic magmas and crust-derived granitic melts, followed by significant fractionation of ferromagnesian phases (like h
CHEN Bin, LIU Shuwen, WANG Rui, CHEN Zhichao and LIU Chaoqun Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, MOE
U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Granitic Conglomerates of the Hutuo Group:Affinities to the Wutai Granitoids and Significance to the Tectonic Evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen被引量:16
The Wutai Complex associated with the adjacent Fuping and Hengshan Complexes represents the best and dassical cross-section in the middle segment of the Trans-North China Orogen, generally divided into Eastern and Western Blocks. Unconformably overlying the Wutai and Fuping Complexes is the Hutuo Group considered as the youngest lithostratigraphic unit in the region and important both for interpreting Precambrian history as well as the overall evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Lack of knowledge about provenance of the sedimentary rocks in this group has hindered understanding of the depositional environments and tectonic significance. LA-ICP-MS was applied to obtain U-Pb zircon ages for the granitic pebbles, the lowest lithostratigraphic rock of the Hutuo Group, which, combined with previous lithostratigraphic, geochronological, structural and metamorphic data, provides new constraints on the sedimentary provenance and tectonic evolution of the region. The sequence of the Hutuo Group ranges upward from lower basal conglomerates and volcaniclastic rocks (Doucun Subgroup), through clastic sediments, slates, dolomites and marbles (Dongye Subgroup), to sandstones and conglomerates at the top (Guojiazhai Subgroup). Zircons from granitic pebbles preserved in the Doucun Subgroup basal conglomerates give weighted mean ^207pb/^206pb ages between 2517 Ma and 2566 Ma, which are the same as those for the late Archean Wutai Granitoids, indicating that the pebbles were derived from the Wutai granitic intrusions (2566-2515 Ma). Based on the new data and previous studies, combined with an igneous zircon crystallization age of 2087±9 Ma obtained for volcanics in the Hutuo Group, the Hutuo Group was deposited in a subduction-related retro-arc foreland basin environment that developed behind the Wutai arc during the eastward-directed subduction of the Western Block beneath the western margin of the Eastern Block. This basin underwent long-lived sedimentation and finally closed during the -1850 Ma collision
Jian ZHANGGuochun ZHAOLI SanzhongMin SUNLIU ShuwenXiaoping XIAYanhong HE
Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Neoarchean Metamorphic Mafic Rocks in the Wutai Complex被引量:2
Neoarchean metamorphic mafic rocks in the lower and the middle Wutai Complex mainly comprise metamorphic gabbros, amphibolites and chlorite schists. They can be subdivided into three groups according to chondrite normalized REE patterns. Rocks in Group #1 are characterized by nearly flat REE patterns (Lan/Ybn=0.86-1.3), the lowest total REEs (29-52 ppm), and weak negative to positive Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun=0.84-1.02), nearly flat primitive mantle normalized patterns and strong negative Zr(Hf) anomalies. Their geochemical characteristics in REEs and trace elements are similar to those of ocean plateau tholeiite, which imply that this group of rocks can represent remnants of Archean oceanic crust derived from a mantle plume. Rocks in Group #2 are characterized by moderate total REEs (34-116 ppm), LREE-enriched (Lan/Ybn=1.76-4.34) chondrite normalized REE patterns with weak Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun=0.76-1.16), and negative Nb, Ta, Zr(Hf), Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spider diagram. The REE and trace element characteristics indicate that they represent arc magmas originating from a sub-arc mantle wedge metasomatized by slab-derived fluids. Rocks in Group #3 are characterized by the highest total REEs (61-192 ppm), the strongest LREEs enrichment (Lan/Ybn=7.12-16) with slightly negative Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun=0.81-0.95) in the chondrite normalized diagram. In the primitive mantle normalized diagram, these rocks are characterized by large negative anomalies in Nb, Ta, Ti, negative to no Zr anomalies. They represent arc magmas originating from a sub-arc mantle wedge enriched in slab-derived melts. The three groups of rocks imply that the formation of the Neoarchean Wutai Complex is related to mantle plumes and island-arc interaction.
Lü YongjunLIU ShuwenGuochun ZHAOLI QiugenJian ZHANGLIU ChaohuiK. H. PARKY. S. SONG
Guandishan Granitoids of the Paleoproterozoic Lüliang Metamorphic Complex in the Trans-North China Orogen:SHRIMP Zircon Ages,Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications被引量:10
The Paleoproterozoic Liiliang Metamorphic Complex (PLMC) is situated in the middle segment of the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), North China Craton (NCC). As the most important lithological assemblages in the southern part of the PLMC, Guandishan granitoids consist of early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites and gneissic monzogranites, and younger gneissic to massive monzogranites. Petrochemical features reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites belong to the medium-K calc-alkaline series; the early gneissic monzogranites are transitional from high-K calc-alkaline to the shoshonite series; the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites belong to the high-k calc-alkaline series, and all rocks are characterized by right- declined REE patterns and negative Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb isotopic dating reveals that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites formed at -2.17 Ga, the early gneissic monzogranites at -2.06 Ga, and the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites at -1.84 Ga. Sm-Nd isotopic data show that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites have eNd(t) values of +0.48 to -3.19 with Nd-depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of 2.76--2.47 Ga, and early gneissic monzogranites have eNd(t) values of -0.53 to -2.51 with TDM of 2.61--2.43 Ga, and the younger gneissic monzogranites have eNd(t) values of -6.41 to -2.78 with a TDM of 2.69--2.52 Ga.These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites, and monzogranites were derived from the partial melting of metamorphosed basaltic and pelitic rocks, respectively, in a continental arc setting. The younger gneissic to massive monzogranites were derived by partial melting of metamorphosed greywackes within the continental crust. Combined with previously regional data, we suggest that the Paleoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the Guandishan granitoids of the PLMC may provide the be
LIU Shuwen LI Qiugen LIU Chaohui LU Yongjun ZHANG Fan