There are various influencing factors that affect the deformation observation, and deformation signals show differ- ent characteristics under different scales. Wavelet analysis possesses multi-scale property, and the information entropy has great representational capability to the complexity of information. By hamming window to the wavelet coefficients and windowed wavelet energy obtained by multi-resolution analysis (MRA), it can be achieved to measure the wavelet time entropy (WTE) and wavelet energy entropy (WEE). The paper established deformation signals, selected the parameters, and compared the sin- gularity detection ability and anti-noise ability of two kinds of wavelet entropy and applied them to the singularity detection at the GPS continuously operating reference stations. It is shown that the WTE performs well in weak singularity information de- tection in finite frequency components signals and the WEE is more suitable for detecting the singularity in the signals with complex, strong background noise.