Biogeography of the leaflaopper subfamily Stegelytrinae Baker is studied based on an analysis of geographical distribution of this subfamily worldwide using a cluster analysis of the zoological distribution of areas of endemism as well as the phylogeny of representatives of this subfamily. Results show that the Stegelytrinae mainly occur in the Oriental Region and in the Mediterranean area of the Palaearctic Region, and this extends to the east side of both Wallaee's and Weber's lines. Eleven areas of endemism of this subfamily are recognized. The proportions of endemic taxa in different areas of endemism are generally very high in comparison with other leaflaopper groups, but distinct differences could be found among the different areas of endemism of Stegelytrinae. This subfamily is most intensively diversified in the Indochina Peninsula (INCN). This is the stegelytrine distribution center, having the highest biodiversity at both genetic and species levels. The dendrogram of endemic areas of Stegelytrinae constructed using cluster analysis of the zoological distribution of Stegelytrinae at generic level shows the endemic areas of Stegelytrinae can be divided into 4 large groups. Relationships among different endemic areas of Stegelytrinae correspond largely to the geologic history of related areas, which indicates that the evolution and vicariance of this subfamily have been closely related to the history of continental drift and climate changes. It is deduced that the presumed monophyletic Stegelytrinae originated in the Oriental Region after North America had separated from Eurasia; this is the case in the monophyletic genera group which is supported by the lateral frontal sutures extending dorsally well beyond the corresponding ocellus. In addition, two expanding traces of the Stegelytrinae are presumed, which remain plausible explanations for the dispersal of Stegelytrinae: (1) New Guinea (and probably (+ Australia)) - Kalimantan - Sumatra - Malay Peninsula - Indochina Peninsula - Ce
运用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜分别对中国角蝉总科18种昆虫(叶蝉17种,角蝉1种)的成虫"网粒体"进行了超微结构及合成部位研究。研究结果证实体表网粒体均合成于马氏管第三区(MT3)管壁细胞的高尔基体;这些网粒体可被分为4种类型:小球形网粒体(SB)、棒状网粒体(RB)、多室大球形网粒体(LMB)及少室大球形网粒体(LFB)。其中,小球形网粒体(SB)最为普遍,广泛分布于研究所涉及的各个类群的体表;棒状网粒体(RB)和少室大球形网粒体(LFB)均仅发现于浅刻殃叶蝉Euscelis clistingueudus雄性体表,且数量相对较少,混杂分布于小球形网粒体(SB)之间;多室大球形网粒体(LMB)仅发现于圆冠叶蝉Athysanus sp.雌性前翅。另外,部分角蝉总科昆虫的体表还被有形态有异于网粒体的其他球形颗粒状物质及粘液状物质,但其来源、功能、与马氏管的相关性等有待进一步研究。此外,对马氏管的网粒体分泌功能在半翅目角蝉总科昆虫系统演化方面的意义进行了讨论,并认为Wyniger et al.提出的"能够产生网粒体的昆虫类群并不仅限于半翅目的叶蝉科,而应是整个半翅目"结论有待通过对更多半翅目类群昆虫的马氏管进行解剖研究才能证实。