In this paper a scheme for quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) network is proposed with a sequence of polarized single photons. The single photons are prepared originally in the same state (0) by the servers on the network, which will reduce the difficulty for the legitimate users to check eavesdropping largely. The users code the information on the single photons with two unitary operations which do not change their measuring bases. Some decoy photons, which are produced by operating the sample photons with a Hadamard, are used for preventing a potentially dishonest server from eavesdropping the quantum lines freely. This scheme is an economical one as it is the easiest way for QSDC network communication securely.
This paper presents a scheme for quantum secure direct communication with quantum encryption. The two authorized users use repeatedly a sequence of the pure entangled pairs (quantum key) shared for encrypting and decrypting the secret message carried by the travelling photons directly. For checking eavesdropping, the two parties perform the single-photon measurements on some decoy particles before each round. This scheme has the advantage that the pure entangled quantum signal source is feasible at present and any eavesdropper cannot steal the message.
In this paper,we present an efficient purification scheme that improves the efficiency of entanglement purification of the recently proposed entanglement purification scheme for doubly entangled photon states (Phys.Rev.A,2008,77:042315).This modified scheme contains the bit-flip error correction where all the photon pairs can be kept while all the bit-flip errors are corrected and the entanglement purification of phase-flip errors where a wavelength conversion process is used.This scheme has the advantage of high efficiency and a much lower minimum fidelity of the original state.It works under existing technology.
This paper presents a scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an arbitrary GHZ-class state with a pure entangled two-particle quantum channel. The sender Alice first teleports the coefficients of the unknown state to the receiver Bob, and then Bob reconstructs the state with an auxiliary particle and some unitary operations if the teleportation succeeds. This scheme has the advantage of transmitting much less particles for teleporting an arbitrary GHZ-class state than others. Moreover, it discusses the application of this scheme in quantum state sharing.
We present a complete multiple round quantum dense coding scheme for improving the source ca-pacity of that introduced recently by Zhang et al. The receiver resorts to two qubits for storing the four local unitary operations in each round.
LI ChunYan1,2,LI XiHan1,2,DENG FuGuo1,2,3,ZHOU Ping1,2 & ZHOU HongYu1,2,3 1 Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Material Modification of Ministry of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China