This paper addresses estimation and its asymptotics of mean transformation θ = E[h(X)] of a random variable X based on n lid. observations from errors-in-variables model Y = X+ v, where v is a measurement error with a known distribution and h(.) is a known smooth function. The asymptotics of deconvolution kernel estimator for ordinary smooth error distribution and expectation extrapolation estimator are given for normal error distribution respectively. Under some mild regularity conditions, the consistency and asymptotically normality are obtained for both type of estimators. Simulations show they have good performance.
When a regression model is applied as an approximation of underlying model of data, the model checking is important and relevant. In this paper, we investigate the lack-of-fit test for a polynomial errorin-variables model. As the ordinary residuals are biased when there exist measurement errors in covariables, we correct them and then construct a residual-based test of score type. The constructed test is asymptotically chi-squared under null hypotheses. Simulation study shows that the test can maintain the signi.cance level well. The choice of weight functions involved in the test statistic and the related power study are also investigated. The application to two examples is illustrated. The approach can be readily extended to handle more general models.
In this paper a new approach is developed to value life insurance contracts by means of the method of backward stochastic differential equation. Such a valuation may relax certain market limitations. Following this approach, the values of single decrement policies are studied and Thiele's-type PDEs for general life insurance contracts are derived.
The aim of this work is to construct the parameter estimators in the partial linear errors-in-variables (EV) models and explore their asymptotic properties. Unlike other related References, the assumption of known error covariance matrix is removed when the sample can be repeatedly drawn at each designed point from the model. The estimators of interested regression parameters, and the model error variance, as well as the nonparametric function, are constructed. Under some regular conditions, all of the estimators prove strongly consistent. Meanwhile, the asymptotic normality for the estimator of regression parameter is also presented. A simulation study is reported to illustrate our asymptotic results.
This paper addresses the problem of testing goodness-of-fit for several important multivariate distributions: (I) Uniform distribution on p-dimensional unit sphere; (II) multivariate standard normal distribution; and (III) multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean vector and covariance matrix. The average projection type weighted Cramér-von Mises test statistic as well as estimated and weighted Cramér-von Mises statistics for testing distributions (I), (II) and (III) are constructed via integrating projection direction on the unit sphere, and the asymptotic distributions and the expansions of those test statistics under the null hypothesis are also obtained. Furthermore, the approach of this paper can be applied to testing goodness-of-fit for elliptically contoured distributions.