The digital measurement and processing is an important direction in the measurement and control field. The quantization error widely existing in the digital processing is always the decisive factor that restricts the development and applications of the digital technology. In this paper, we find that the stability of the digital quantization system is obviously better than the quantization resolution. The application of a border effect in the digital quantization can greatly improve the accuracy of digital processing. Its effective precision has nothing to do with the number of quantization bits, which is only related to the stability of the quantization system. The high precision measurement results obtained in the low level quantization system with high sampling rate have an important application value for the progress in the digital measurement and processing field.
We analyze the phenomena of phase group synchronization between the different nominal frequency signals and propose a new theory of the equivalent comparison between them. The exact expression of the equivalent comparison is deduced. High resolution frequency measurement and phase comparison can be realized using this theory with the divider. For avoiding the frequency mixing, multiplication and synthesis, the system phase noise is improved and the higher resolution comparison and measurement are achieved between the different nominal frequencies by theory.
The phase change between periodic signals is regular. Research on the regular phenomenon between periodic signals is helpful to improve the precision of some measurements and develop some new measurement methods. So it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the greatest common factor frequency and the least common multiple period universally existing in periodic signals. The regulation of the quantitative phase shift resolution between periodic signals is presented.The cause of difference in phase characteristics between periodic signals is explained well. In this paper we propose different application prospects based on the regular phenomenon between periodic signals, with focusing on the methods for high precision frequency measurement and transient stability measurement. The experimental results are satisfactory.
Limited detection resolution leads to fuzzy areas during the measurement, and the discrimination of the border of a fuzzy area helps to use the resolution stability. In this way, measurement precision is greatly improved, hence this phenomenon is named the border effect. The resolution fuzzy area and its application should be studied to realize highresolution measurement. During the measurement of any frequency signal, the fuzzy areas of phase-coincidence detection are always discrete and irregular. In this paper the difficulty in capturing the border information of discrete fuzzy areas is overcome and extra-high resolution measurement is implemented. Measurement precision of any frequency-signal can easily reach better than 1 × 10^-11/s in a wide range of frequencies, showing the great importance of the border effect. An in-depth study of this issue has great significance for frequency standard comparison, signal processing, telecommunication,and fundamental subjects.