Scientific research fields for future energies such as inertial confinement fusion researches and astrophysics studies especially with satellite observatories advance into stages of precision physics.The relevant atomic data are not only enormous but also of accuracy according to requirements,especially for both energy levels and the collision data.The fine structure of high excited states of atoms and ions can be measured by precision spectroscopy.Such precision measurements can provide not only knowledge about detailed dynamics of electron-ion interactions but also a bench mark examination of the accuracy of electron-ion collision data,especially incorporating theoretical computations.We illustrate that by using theoretical calculation methods which can treat the bound states and the adjacent continua on equal footing.The precision spectroscopic measurements of excited fine structures can be served as stringent tests of electron-ion collision data.
In order to provide abundant atomic data for fusion research in the stage of precision physics, a scenario, being a combination of indispensable theoretical calculations and bench-mark experimental measurements, is proposed. Such abundant atomic data are compiled mainly by theoretical calculations. Accuracies of such abundant data (i.e., atomic energy levels and cor- responding cross sections) are ascertained only by a finite number of bench-mark experimental measurements based on analytical calculation of scattering matrices.