目的观察重组疫苗Eg14-3-3免疫后及厡头蚴攻击感染后不同阶段6种细胞因子的动态变化,在分子水平上研究重组疫苗的免疫学机制。方法研究采用r Eg14-3-3和PBS分别免疫两组ICR小鼠,每隔两周免疫1次,在第3次免疫后4周,活的原头蚴攻击感染,在免疫后和攻击感染后不同时间静脉采血分离血清,ELISA法对血清中IL-2、IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-4、IL-5、IL-10水平变化进行检测。结果 r Eg14-3-3组小鼠6种细胞因子水平在免疫后和感染后高于PBS对照组,其中Th1类细胞因子IL-2、IFN-γ、TNF-α水平在第10周(急性感染期)达到峰值,30周后(感染慢性期)迅速降低并较长时间维持在高于免疫前水平,Th2类细胞因子IL-4、IL-5、IL-10免疫后水平相对无明显升高,在第18周后逐渐升高,30周达到峰值后逐渐降低,较长时间维持在相对较高水平;PBS组Th1类细胞因子在感染前无明显升高,原头蚴攻击感染后迅速升高,在第18周达到峰值后逐步降低,在相对较长时期维持相对较高水平。Th2类细胞因子IL-4、IL-5、IL-10维持在较低水平,攻击感染后水平缓慢升高,IL-4在18周达到峰值后降低并长期维持相对较高水平,IL-5、IL-10在第30周水平达到峰值后逐步降低并长期维持相对较高水平。结论 r Eg14-3-3可诱导有效的Th1型细胞介导的细胞免疫和Th2型细胞介导的体液免疫,两种反应共同参与重组疫苗诱导的免疫保护作用。
Objective To investigate the protective immunity against Echinococcus granulosus in mice immunized with rEg14-3-3. Methods ICR mice were subcutaneously immunized three times with rEg14-3-3, followed by the challenge with Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces intraperitoneally and then sacrificed after six months of post-challenge to detect the proliferation of splenocytes by MTT assay, and to measure the secretion of IL-2, IL-4, IL-20, and IFN -y by ELISA. The rate of reduced hydatid cyst and the levels of IgE, igG and IgG subclasses in sera were examined. Results Mice vaccinated with rEg14-3-3 and challenged with protoscoleces revealed significant protective immunity of 84.47%. ELISA analysis indicated that the immunized mice generated specific high levels of IgG and the prevailing isotypes of IgG were IgG1 and IgG2a. Splenocytes from mice immunized with rEg14-3-3 showed a significant proliferation response. The secretion of IFN-V and IL-2 increased significantly in the vaccinated mice whereas there was no significant difference in IL-4 and IL-20 levels between vaccinated and control mice. Conclusion The results indicate that the rEg24-3-3 vaccine could induce a high level of protective immunity as a promising vaccine candidate to prevent cystic echinococcosis.
Objective To establish and optimize the proteomic analysis of protoscoleces-specific antigens from Echinococcus granulosus. To provide a foundation for identifying specific antigens in the soluble proteins of E. granulosus protoscoleces for further research. Methods Brood capsules were collected aseptically from fertile E. granulosus cysts from the livers of an infected patient. The fertile E. granulosus cysts were fractured, and protoscoleces were collected by centrifugation. The soluble proteins of protoscoleces were acquired using the 2D Quant kit according to the manufacturer's instructions. We employed two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with immunoblot assay (Western blot) to analyze the soluble components of E. granulosus protoscoleces antigens. The 2-DE and immunoblot maps obtained were analyzed with PDQuest 8.0 image analysis software. Results About 233 soluble protein spots were identified with Coomassie-stained gels. Most of the proteins had a molecular weight of 16 000 Da to 117 000 Da, and an isoelectric point value of 3.0 to 10.0. 2-DE immunoblot was conducted and 57 specific antigen spots were observed, among which 23 spots were identified. Conclusion 2-DE combined with Western blot is the key to successful proteomic analysis and presents a new possibility for searching the specific E. granulosus protoscoleces antigens.
LI Zong Ji and ZHAO WeiDepartment of Medical Genetics and Cell Biology, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750004, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China