High level calculations on the ground state of 12Mg1H molecule have been performed using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) method with the Davidson modification. The core-valence correlation and scalar relativistic corrections are included into the present calculations at the same time. The potential energy curve (PEC) of the ground state, all of the vibrational levels and spectroscopic parameters are fitted. The results show that the levels and spectroscopic parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The analytical potential energy function (APEF) is also deduced from the calculated PEC using the Murrell-Sorbie (M-S) potential function. The present results can provide a helpful reference for the future spectroscopic experiments or dynamical calculations of the molecule.
We constructed a six-dimensional potential energy surface(PES)for the dissociative chemisorption of HCl on Au(111)using the neural networks method based on roughly 70000 energies obtained from extensive density functional theory(DFT)calculations.The resulting PES is accurate and smooth,based on the small fitting errors and good agreement between the fitted PES and the direct DFT calculations.Time-dependent wave packet calculations show that the potential energy surface is very well converged with respect to the number of DFT data points,as well as to the fitting process.The dissociation probabilities of HCl initially in the ground rovibrational state from six-dimensional quantum dynamical calculations are quite diferent from the four-dimensional fixed-site calculations,indicating it is essential to perform full-dimensional quantum dynamical studies for the title molecule-surface interaction system.
Much progress has been achieved for both experimental and theoretical studies on the dissociative chemisorption of molecules on surfaces.Quantum state-resolved experimental data has provided unprecedented details for these fundamental steps in heterogeneous catalysis,while the quantitative dynamics is still not fully understood in theory.An in-depth understanding of experimental observations relies on accurate dynamical calculations,in which the potential energy surface and adequate quantum mechanical implementation are desired.This article summarizes the current methodologies on the construction of potential energy surfaces and the quantum mechanical treatments,some of which are promising for future applications.The challenges in this field are also addressed.