This paper considers robust fault detection and diagnosis for input uncertain nonlinear systems. It proposes a multi-objective fault detection criterion so that the fault residual is sensitive to the fault but insensitive to the uncertainty as much as possible. Then the paper solves the proposed criterion by maximizing the smallest singular value of the transformation from faults to fault detection residuals while minimizing the largest singular value of the transformation from input uncertainty to the fault detection residuals. This method is applied to an aircraft which has a fault in the left elevator or rudder. The simulation results show the proposed method can detect the control surface failures rapidly and efficiently.
This paper addresses the issues of conservativeness and computational complexity of probabilistie robustness analysis. The authors solve both issues by defining a new sampling strategy and robustness measure. The new measure is shown to be much less conservative than the existing one. The new sampling strategy enables the definition of efficient hierarchical sample reuse algorithms that reduce significantly the computational complexity and make it independent of the dimension of the uncertainty space. Moreover, the authors show that there exists a one to one correspondence between the new and the existing robustness measures and provide a computationally simple algorithm to derive one from the other.