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作品数:6 被引量:17H指数:3


  • 6篇中文期刊文章


  • 5篇生物学
  • 1篇农业科学


  • 2篇形态学
  • 2篇纤毛
  • 2篇纤毛虫
  • 2篇毛虫
  • 2篇海洋纤毛虫
  • 2篇PROTOZ...
  • 2篇CILIOP...
  • 1篇原生动物
  • 1篇水质
  • 1篇水质监测
  • 1篇水质状况
  • 1篇纤毛图式
  • 1篇结构参数
  • 1篇PFU法
  • 1篇PHYLOG...
  • 1篇SEA
  • 1篇DIFFER...
  • 1篇ENVIRO...
  • 1篇ECOLOG...
  • 1篇PROTOZ...


  • 3篇中国海洋大学
  • 1篇华南师范大学


  • 3篇胡晓钟
  • 2篇许媛
  • 1篇杨金鹏
  • 1篇马洪钢
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  • 3篇Chines...
  • 2篇水生生物学报
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  • 1篇2012
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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
于2007年9—10月间利用改良的PFU(polyurethane foam unit)法——BPFU(bottled PFU)法对青岛沿岸水体中原生生物群落的结构和功能参数进行了快速观测,进而分析了原生生物群落与水质状况间的相互关系,并结合理化指标对水体的水质状况进行了评价。期间共观测到原生生物263种:其中硅藻83种,鞭毛虫59种,肉足虫31种,纤毛虫90种。结果表明:用BPFU法测定和计算的原生生物群落的结构参数(种类数、丰度、多样性指数)和功能参数(Seq、G、T90%)所反映的水质状况和理化指标所反映的基本一致,证明BPFU法适用于海洋近岸水体的快速监测。同时将通过原生生物群落所得的结构参数和功能参数与通过原生动物群落所得的进行了比较,发现由原生生物群落计算的结构参数和功能参数能更有效、更准确地反映水质的状况。
Insights into the phylogeny of sporadotrichid ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora: Hypotricha) based on genealogical analyses of multiple molecular markers
The sporadotrichid ciliates are an especially diverse group. A number of investigators have studied the morphological, morphogenetic, and molecular relationships among members of this group. Despite this, a consistent classification is still lacking and several important questions about the phylogenetic relationships within this group remain unsolved. To improve our understanding of these relationships, we constructed phylogenetic trees using the nucleotide sequences of the small-subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene and amino acid sequences of actin I and α-tubulin. Analyses of SSrRNA gene sequences indicated that: 1) the Sporadotrichida sensu Lynn (2008) and the Oxytrichidae are polyphyletic; 2) the Uroleptus species, which are classified to urostylids, formed a sister group with the oxytrichids; 3) Halteria grandinella, which is grouped morphologically with oligotrich species, clustered within the oxytrichids. These results are congruent with previous studies based on SSrRNA gene sequences. However, the amino acid sequences of actin I and α-tubulin yielded different topologies. The main results are: 1) in all phylogenetic trees, the genus Oxytricha was paraphyletic; 2) Uroleptus was sister to a subset of Urostyla and Holosticha, albeit with low supporting values; 3) Halteria grandinella was separated distantly from the Oxytrichidae in trees inferred from actin I amino acid sequences but clustered with oligotrichids in the α-tubulin analysis. The inconsistency among the trees inferred from these different molecular markers may be caused by rapidly accumulated genetic characterizations of ciliates. Further studies with additional molecular markers and sampling of more taxa are expected to better address the relationships among sporadotrichids.
胡晓燕胡晓钟Khaled A.S.AL-RASHEIDSaleh A.AL-FARRAJ宋微波
Population dynamics of marine ciliate Euplotes vannus (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in different artificial seawaters被引量:3
To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice media for five types of ASW and natural seawater (NSW). The results show that: (1) the population growth rate was in the order of NSW〉Flack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW and was considerably higher in rice media than in beef extract media (apart from Subow ASW); (2) the maximum density of E. vannus in stationary phase in each treatment was ranked as Hack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉NSW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW, and was again higher in rice media than in beef extract media (except for Subow ASW); (3) the exponential and stationary phases were longer in rice media than in beef extract media; (4) strains of E. vannus that had been domesticated for 〉1 year in ASW grew significantly slower, with lower maximum density and longer stationary phase than those isolated and maintained in NSW. It was demonstrated that: (1) E. vannus may grow well in Flack, Nakamula and Schmads ASW compared with NSW (mainly in terms of growth rate); and (2) Oshima ASW is the preferred choice for stock cultures of E. vannus, but the ASWs Flack, Nakamula and Schmadz are preferred for mass culture. These findings suggest that these three ASWs are effective for the cultivation of marine protozoa for experimental studies on ecology, toxicology and molecular biology.
许恒龙朱明壮姜勇高珊MIN Gi-SikAL-RASHEID Khaled A.S.
对采自山东、广东和香港沿海的八种盾纤类纤毛虫:冠帆口虫、维亚可夫帆口虫、蠕形康纤虫、贪食迈阿密虫、异海洋尾丝虫、中华后阿脑虫和两种蟹栖异阿脑虫相似种进行了形态学研究。其中,中国南海新记录种维亚可夫帆口虫种群与Wang,et al.所描述种群以及中华后阿脑虫新种群与Song&Wilbert记述的青岛种群和南极种群相比,在个体大小和体动基列数目上均有所差异;贪食迈阿密虫潍坊种群的体动基列恒为12列,与Song&Wilbert的报道有较大差异。两种异阿脑虫与蟹栖异阿脑虫在口纤毛器结构和体形上完全相似,但在体动基列数目上有明显差异,因数据不足,暂定为蟹栖异阿脑虫相似种。
研究对采自青岛沿海的两种海洋纤毛虫-盾圆双眉虫与伪寡毛双眉虫做了形态学重描述。盾圆双眉虫与前人所报道的种群具有十分相似的纤毛图式,但在额-腹棘毛分布、大核片段、小膜及背触毛数目等方面表现出细微的变异性。此外,该青岛种群个体较小。统计学比较还表明,迄今缺乏研究的一海洋种,泥生双眉虫极可能为盾圆双眉虫(Diophrys scutum)的同物异名。伪寡毛双眉虫(Diophrys apoligothrix)为一新近报道的罕见种,研究基于新采集种群对其进行了补充性观察和描述。
Temporal population dynamics of dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum in a semi-enclosed mariculture pond and its relationship to environmental factors and protozoan grazers被引量:3
The ecological processes and interrelationships between protists,either autotrophic or heterotrophic,and environmental factors in mariculture ponds are largely unknown.This study investigated the temporal dynamics of potentially harmful dinoflagellate,Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller,and its relationship to physico-chemical factors and protozoan grazers over a complete cycle in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao,Northern China.P.minimum occurred frequently in low numbers from June to August,followed by a sharp increase from the middle of August,reaching a single maximum peak value of 2.2×105 cells L-1 in October.Temporal variation in abundance was positively correlated with dissolved nitrogen,but showed a significant inverse relationship to abundance of the dominant ciliates,Tintinnopsis lohmanni and Askenasia stellaris.The results provide statistical evidence that the number of P.minimum increased with increasing nitrogen,and the suppression or shortening of algal bloom may be associated with protozoan grazers,such as Tintinnopsis lohmanni,in mariculture ponds.
许恒龙MIN Gi-SikCHOI Joong-Ki朱明壮姜勇AL-RASHEID Khaled A.S.