研究了BESⅢ漂移室(MDC)时间测量道的性能,包括空间分辨、动量分辨、击中效率、噪声率和Bhabha事例重建效率等。并用2011年的Bhabha事例样本对MDC性能作了run by run监测,研究了引起数据质量变化的各种因素。另外还研究了工作高压丢失(trip)对MDC性能的影响,此外,为了提高数据质量开发了相应软件包以去掉受高压丢失影响的事例。
The Beijing Spectrometer Ⅲ(BESⅢ)is a general-purpose detector used for the study of τ-charm physics at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider Ⅱ(BEPC Ⅱ).This paper presents our studies of the dE/dx measurement in the drift chamber of BESⅢ,which is important for the identification of charged particles.Corrections applied to the dE/dx measurement in data reconstruction are discussed.After our current dE/dx calibration,a resolution of about 6% has been obtained for minimum ionization particles,and a 3σ K/πseparation is obtained for momenta up to 760 MeV/c.These results meet the design goals of the BESⅢ drift chamber.
In order to overcome the difficulty brought by the circling charged tracks with transverse momentum less than 120 MeV in the BESⅢ Main Drift Chamber (MDC), a specialized method called TCurlFinder was developed. This tracking method focuses on the charged track reconstruction under 120 MeV and possesses a special mechanism to reject background noise hits. The performance of the package has been carefully checked and tuned by both Monte Carlo data and real data. The study shows that this tracking method could obviously enhance the reconstruction efficiency in the low transverse momentum region, providing physics analysis with more and reliable data.