A carbon nanotube-based(CNT) sensing element is presented, which consists of substrate, insulating layer, electrodes, carbon nanotube and measuring circuit. The sensing components are a single or array of CNTs, which are located on the two electrodes. The CNT-based sensing element is fabricated by CVD (chemical vapor deposition)-direct-growth on micro- electrodes. The sensing model and measurement method of electromechanical property are also presented. Finally, the voltage-current characteristics are measured, which show that the CNT-based sensing element has good electrical properties.
YANG XingZHOU Zhao-yingWU YingZHANG JinZHANG Ying-ying
姿态信息是飞行控制中最关键的参数之一,因此姿态测量成为飞行控制系统首要解决的问题。利用多M EM S传感器研制了一种微型姿态测量系统。利用三轴M EM S加速度计和三轴M EM S陀螺数据,由方向余弦矩阵的姿态表示形式推导了扩展K a lm an滤波方程,解算出飞行器的俯仰角和横滚角;设计专家系统判断飞行器的运动状态,并根据该状态调整滤波算法中的测量噪声矩阵,使系统可同时满足静态情况和动态情况的使用;利用空速和高度数据对俯仰角进行修正,利用GPS解算航向角。将实验结果与国外最新的商用自动驾驶仪的姿态结果进行了比较,二者在静态情况下非常吻合,在动态情况下基本吻合。