In order to transmit secure messages,a quantum secure direct communication protocol based on a five-particle cluster state and classical XOR operation is presented.The five-particle cluster state is used to detect eavesdroppers,and the classical XOR operation serving as a one-time-pad is used to ensure the security of the protocol.In the security analysis,the entropy theory method is introduced,and three detection strategies are compared quantitatively by using the constraint between the information that the eavesdroppers can obtain and the interference introduced.If the eavesdroppers intend to obtain all the information,the detection rate of the original ping-pong protocol is 50%;the second protocol,using two particles of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair as detection particles,is also 50%;while the presented protocol is 89%.Finally,the security of the proposed protocol is discussed,and the analysis results indicate that the protocol in this paper is more secure than the other two.
In order to improve the eavesdropping detection efficiency in a two-step quantum direct communication protocol, an improved eavesdropping detection strategy using the four-particle cluster state is proposed, in which the four-particle cluster state is used to detect eavesdroppers. During the security analysis, the method of the entropy theory is introduced, and two detection strategies are compared quantitatively using the constraint between the information that the eavesdropper can obtain and the interference that has been introduced. If the eavesdroppers intend to obtain all information, the eavesdropping detection rate of the original two-step quantum direct communication protocol using EPR pair block as detection particles will be 50%; while the proposed strategy's detection rate will be 75%. In the end, the security of the proposed protocol is discussed. The analysis results show that the eavesdropping detection strategy presented is more secure.
Three-particle W states are used as decoy photons,and the eavesdropping detection rate reaches63%.The positions of decoy photons in information sequence are encoded with identity string ID of the legitimate users.Authentication is implemented by using previously shared identity string.State/j i is used as the carrier.One photon of/j i is sent to Bob;and Bob obtains a random key by measuring photons with bases dominated by ID.The bases information is secret to others except Alice and Bob.Both the eavesdropping detection based on three-particle W state and the secret ID ensure the security of the protocol.Unitary operations are not used.
This work presents two robust quantum secure communication schemes with authentication based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) pairs, which can withstand collective noises. Two users previously share an identity string representing their identities. The identity string is encoded as decoherence-free states(termed logical qubits), respectively, over the two collective noisy channels, which are used as decoy photons. By using the decoy photons, both the authentication of two users and the detection of eavesdropping were implemented. The use of logical qubits not only guaranteed the high fidelity of exchanged secret message, but also prevented the eavesdroppers to eavesdrop beneath a mask of noise.
A novel determinate joint remote preparation scheme of an arbitrary W-class quantum state is proposed to improve the probability of successful preparation. The presented scheme is realized through orthogonal projective measurement of the Hadamard transferred basis, which converts a global measurement to several local measurements. Thus orthogonal projective measurement of the Hadamard transferred basis enables quantum information to be transmitted from different sources simultaneously, which is a breakthrough for quantum network node processing. Finally, analysis shows the feasibility and validity of the proposed method, with a 100% probability of successful preparation.